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UBT Power Substation Construction Underway


UBT Power Substation Construction Underway

The Utilities Board of Tuskegee (UBT) has officially commenced construction on a new 28-
megawatt power substation at the Tuskegee Commerce Park. Work is currently in progress at the
site on Samkee Parkway in Tuskegee.

UBT partnered with the Alabama Department of Community and Economic Affairs, the South
Central Alabama Development Commission (SCADC), and the Economic Development
Administration to secure funding for the project. More than $4.5 million in grant funding was
approved to support the construction.

Once completed, the new substation will supply power to the Samkee plant, other new industries
within the park, and additional businesses and residents in the surrounding area of UBT’s
distribution system. This project is part of UBT’s ongoing commitment to provide and maintain
infrastructure improvements that support the reliability of its services and attract new businesses
to Macon County.

UBT has also collaborated with the Alabama Municipal Electric Authority (AMEA) and
Alabama Power to ensure transmission power for the site. The substation is expected to be
operational by mid-2025, offering increased capacity, redundancy, and reliability across the
entire UBT electrical network. UBT’s grid, known for its award-winning 99.997% reliability,
will be further strengthened by this new addition.

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Gerald Long
Managing Director

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