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My Usage

Track Your Energy & Water Usage in Real-Time

With the MyUsage website and app, you can monitor your energy and water consumption in real time, 24/7. Whether you're at home or on the go, MyUsage gives you the insights you need to manage your utilities more effectively.

Why Use MyUsage?

On MyUsage, you can see how much electricity your home is using each day and see the actual cost. Typically, consumers don’t realize how much electricity they have used or how it will affect their finances until their bill arrives. By then, it’s too late to adjust how you live in hopes of lowering the bill.

Daily Usage MonitoringTrack how much electricity and water you’re consuming every day, updated within 24 hours. See exactly when your usage spikes and adjust your habits to save energy and water.
Detect Leaks & Unauthorized UsageSpot potential leaks or unauthorized usage quickly, so you can address issues before they escalate. MyUsage helps you keep a closer eye on your resources, saving you time and money.
Smart BudgetingBudget smarter by knowing what to expect. With MyUsage, you can anticipate your monthly bills based on your real-time usage data, making it easier to stay on top of your expenses.
Trend TrackingSee how weather impacts your consumption. MyUsage helps you analyze trends from high and low temperatures, as well as daily dollar charges, so you can adjust your usage during peak times.
Average Daily Costs & ConsumptionGet insights into your average daily costs, kilowatt-hours (kWh) used, and the average number of gallons consumed. This makes it easy to identify opportunities to save money and resources.
Fix Leaks EarlyAddress small leaks before they become big problems. By keeping track of your water usage, you can detect unusual patterns and make necessary repairs promptly

Ready to Get Started?

Sign up for MyUsage today and take control of your utility usage! Visit MyUsage  or download the app to start monitoring your consumption and make informed decisions about your energy and water use.