Customer Service:  334-720-0731

Report Outage:  334-720-0700

Rates and Plans

General Service Residential

  1. Availability and Applicability:  This rate schedule is available throughout the Board's retail service area from existing lines of adequate capacity and is applicable to separately metered single-family residences, single-family dwelling units, and individually metered apartments and condominiums where the major use of electricity is for domestic purposes such as lighting, household appliances, and the personal comfort and convenience of those residing therein. Energy delivered to each residence, dwelling unit, or apartment shall be separately metered and shall include energy used for incidental, non-commercial purposes. This schedule is not applicable to recognized boarding or rooming houses, fraternity or sorority houses, educational institutions, educational facilities or commercial establishments. Electricity supplied under this rate schedule is for the exclusive use of the Customer and shall not be resold or shared with others.
  2. Character of service:  Service delivered hereunder shall be alternating current, 60 Hertz, single-phase or three-phase, at a standard voltage provided by the Board at a single point of delivery. If additional service points are provided for the same customer, such additional service points shall be metered and billed separately.
  3. Monthly rates and charges:  The following rates and charges for General Service Residential service shall apply:

    Customer Charge: $ 15.00

    Over 1,000 gals or 10 Billing Units: $ All kWhs: $ 0.102470 per kWh

  4. Power cost adjustment:  The monthly bills to customers hereunder shall, in addition to the other amounts set forth herein, include the then applicable power cost adjustment charge.
  5. Minimum charge: The minimum monthly charge shall be the customer charge
  6. Taxes and Fees: The monthly bills to the customer hereunder shall, in addition to the other amounts set forth herein, include applicable taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, fees, assessments, and surcharges imposed by any governmental authority and governmental fees applicable to service to the customer imposed by any governmental authority. Such taxes, fees, etc., include, but shall not be limited to, the Alabama State Utility Tax, City of Tuskegee Franchise Fees, and Town of Shorter Business license fees, where applicable
  7. Other charges: The customer shall also be responsible for other charges assessed pursuant to the effective rules and regulations of the Board.
  8. Payment:
    • Bills for service under this rate schedule are due by the fifteen (15th) day of the month. If the fifteenth (15th) day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Board recognized holiday, then the due date shall be extended to the Board’s next business day. The rates as set forth in this schedule are net rates, the gross rates being 110% thereof. In the event that the current monthly bill is paid by the due date, the net rates shall apply; otherwise, the gross rates shall apply.
    • Customers hereunder may qualify for "Average Monthly Billing," whereby monthly bills shall reflect estimated average monthly charges over a year's time, subject to being adjusted to reflect actual charges based on actual usage after each twelve (12) consecutive month's billings. Certain eligibility requirements will apply. Additional information on budget billing is available at the Board’s Utilities Business office.
  9. Terms and conditions:
    • Service hereunder is subject to such additional terms and conditions of service as the Board may from time to time duly approve.
    • This rate schedule may be amended or superseded in whole or in part at the discretion of the Board.
    • This rate schedule shall be effective for bills rendered on and after October 1, 2011, (UBT Resolution 2011-11) and supersedes all previous rates schedules previously applicable service to the customer.
General Service Residential

Customer Charge

per kWh



Energy Charge

All kWhs: $ 0.102470 per kWh



Power cost adjustment:
The monthly bills to customers hereunder shall, in addition to the other amounts set forth herein, include the then applicable power cost adjustment charge.

Minimum charge:
The minimum monthly charge shall be monthly Customer Charge.

What We Offer

Transparent Rates

In all Our decisions, you are a big part of it. Our rates are always considerable; with flexibility, honesty and full transparency in mind.

  • We keep you involved and informed about decisions made on rates
  • Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to track, manage and monitor your usage

We offer innovative commercial natural gas plans based on your usage and tailored to your business gas service needs.

  • We provide power to give you the ease you need
  • Pay when and how you like
  • Buy power in advance easily and conveniently
  • Paying and checking UBT bills is easy and costs nothing.
Monitor Usage

we put more control in your hands. Review your account, see if there has been a spike, and change the circumstances that contributed to the increase.

  • Track, check and access your utility bill with ease.
  • Access your power usage with ease
  • Don’t stress, track your hourly usage