Customer Service:  334-720-0731

Report Outage:  334-720-0700


We are people focused. We are dedicated and committed to improving the lives of the people in our community by making positives impact through our community development projects.

Our community is central to the ethos of our company. We actively participate in, and undertake in projects initiatives to make a positive and lasting impact in in our community. As we make Alabama a more desirable state to live, learn and do business in. We’re committed to raising the standard of living for all residents of our state. To do this, we care for our people, provide funds for scholarship, and maintain relationships with important leaders and organisations. So we can cooperate to support the growth of our communities.

We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents and visitors alike by focusing relentlessly on community development. We are reshaping the urban landscape to meet the highest global standards through careful planning, innovative design, and sustainable practices. Let us work together to reshape the future of our city, the place we call home.

Construction of UBT’s New Home Near Full Completion

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We are eager to announce that we are in the process of constructing our new office building! We are moving to a larger, more modern building. We ar...