Customer Service:  334-720-0731

Report Outage:  334-720-0700


Committed to Progress and Purpose

UBT is a respected corporate leader in the Macon County community and UBT constantly strives to maintain its good reputation. Internally, the board and UBT employees embrace the core values that were developed during the strategic planning process.

Together, we shine. Our people, the reason we thrive

Our growth is limitless because, at the heart of our service, we are united by a common goal.

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Our Core Values

AccountabilityIndividual and collective responsibility for UBT’s success
TeamworkWorking together to achieve the best results for UBT customers
TrustDoing the right thing in the right way
Customer SatisfactionAlways striving to satisfy UBT customers
Continuous ImprovementAlways living up to benchmark standards for utility service
Financial StabilityAlways behaving as good stewards over UBT resources

On an individual basis, UBT board members and staff personnel actively participate in community service and economic development. For more information about Macon County Economic Development Authority visit their website at