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As a result of the continuing Coronavirus pandemic, the Utilities Board of the City of Tuskegee (UBT) will begin a trial reopening.
As a result of the continuing Coronavirus pandemic, the Utilities Board of the City of Tuskegee (UBT) will begin a trial reopening.
We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers and we continue to pray for a speedy recovery from this state of emergency. We have taken these emergency measures in a sincere effort to protect the health and welfare of all our customers, employees and residents of the communities we serve.
Gerald B. Long, General Manager
Utilities Board of Tuskegee
P. O Box 831050101 Fonville Street
Tuskegee, Alabama 36083
Raising the future leaders. We serve by prioritising people and affecting our communities for the better.Our scholarship fund helps engineering students become future leaders by reducing the problems they face in their field.
Let’s connect,so we can serve you better.We are able to better meet your needs when we engage in constructive dialogue, analyse your insights, and listen to your concerns.